As a manufacturer that has been focusing on the production of hardware accessories for handbags and bags for many years, MikbagHardware is naturally very familiar with hardware accessories for handbags and bags. Let me share with you some common sense of hardware accessories for handbags and bags, so that it is easier for everyone to find what they want when purchasing. desired product.

1. The material selection of hardware accessories for handbags and bags. For the hardware accessories of traditional handbags and bags in the past, die-cast zinc alloys are used, including alloys 2, 3, 5, and 7. However, different zinc alloys have different physical and mechanical properties. , Provides a choice for die casting design. At present, No. 3 zinc alloy is widely used as the alloy material of hardware accessories for handbags and bags.
 2. Handbag hardware accessories have good fluidity and mechanical properties. Applied to castings that do not require high mechanical strength, such as toys, lamps, decorations, and some electrical components. Therefore, we choose this as the raw material for our handbag commuting hardware accessories, of course, we also choose environmentally friendly models.
3. Zinc alloy can be cast in sand mold, plaster mold or hard mold according to the manufacturing process. Luggage and bag hardware accessories manufacturers introduced that this zinc alloy not only has the characteristics of general die-casting zinc alloys, but also has high strength, good casting performance, cooling speed has no obvious effect on mechanical properties, residual and waste materials can be recycled, and the gate is simple. Insensitive to melting, small shrinkage, few pores, can be electroplated, and can be finished by conventional methods.

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